Lidia Babenko
Babenko L., Vasheka O., Shcherbatiuk M., Romanenko P., Voytenko L., Kosakivska I.V. Biometric characteristics and surface microstructure of vegetative and reproductive organs of heterosporous water fern Salvinia natans // Flora. 2019. 252, 44-50. Moshynets O.V., Babenko L.M., Rogalsky S.P., Iungin O.S., Foster J., Kosakivska I.V. Priming winter wheat seeds with the bacterial quorum sensing signal N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C6-HSL) shows potential to improve plant growth and seed yield // PLoS ONE. – 2019. – 14 (2): Babenko L.M., Vodka M.V., Akimov Yu. N., Smirnov A.E., Babenko A.V., Kosakovskaya I.V. Specific features of the ultrastructure and biochemical composition of Triticum spelta L. leaf mesophile cells in the initial period of stress temperature action // Cell and Tissue Biology, 2019, v. 13, № 1, p. 70-78. Romanenko K.O., Kosakivska I.V., Babenko L.M., Vasheka O.V., Romanenko P.O., Negretsky V.A., Minarchenko V.M. Effects of Exogenous Cytokinins on Spore Germination and Gametophyte Morphogenesis of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott in vitro Culture // Cytology and Genetics 2019, Volume 53, Issue 3, pp. 192-201. Babenko L.M., Smirnov O.E., Romanenko K.O., Trunova O.K., Kosakіvskа I.V. Phenolic compounds in plants: biogenesis and functions // Ukr. Biochem. J., 2019, v. 91, № 3, p. 5-18. Kosakivska I.V. Babenko L.M., Shcherbatiuk M.M., Vasheka O.V. Peculiarities of Growth and Surface Microstructure of Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of Aquatic Fern Salvinia nutans // Hydrobiological Journal. 2019. Volume 55, Issue 3. p. 3-13. Protsak I., Paientko V.V., Oranska O.I., Gornikov Y.I., Prokhnenko P.A., Babenko L.M. Interfacial phenomena in natural nanostructured materials based on kaolinite and calcite in blends with nanosilica and neem leaf powder // Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 124-238. Бабенко Л.М., Щербатюк Н.Н., Климчук Д.А., Косаковская И.В. Структурно-функциональные особенности клеток мезофилла листьев контрастных по термоустойчивости сортов Triticum aestivum при действии кратковременных температурных стрессов// Цитология. 2018. 60 (2). С. 128-135. Babenko L.M., Kosakivska I.V., Voytenko L.V. Peculiarities of growth and lipoxygenase activity of wild fern Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 2018. 8 (1). Р. 158-164. Babenko L.M., Hospodarenko H.M., Rozhkov R.V., Pariy Ya.F., Pariy M.F., Babenko A.V., Kosakivska I.V. Triticum spelta L.: origin, biological characteristics and perspectives of use in breeding and agriculture // Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. 2018. 8(2). P. 250-257. Ваbenko L.M., Romanenko K.O., Shcherbatiuk M.M., Vasheka O.V., Romanenko P.O., Negretsky V.A., Kosakivska I.V. Effects of Exogenous Phytohormones on Spore Germination and Morphogenesis of Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth Gametophyte in vitro Culture // Cytology and Genetics. 2018. 52 (2). P. 117-126. Babenko L.M., Shcherbatiuk M.M., Skaterna T.D., Kosakivska I.V. Lipoxygenases and their metabolites in formation of plant stress tolerance // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2017. – 89, № 1. – Р. 5-21. Babenko L.M., Skaterna T.D., Kosakivska I.V. Lipoxygenase activity in ontogenesis of ferns Salvinia natans and Polystichum aculeatum // Ukr. Biochem. J. – 2017. – 89, № 4. – Р. 5-12.