Nina Vedenicheva
Publications: Stetsenko L.A., Vedenicheva N.P., Likhnevsky R.V., Kuznetsov Vl.V. Influence of abscisic acid and fluridone on the content of phytohormones and polyamines and the level of oxidative stress in plants of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. under salinity // Biology Bulletin. – 2015. – 42, № 2. – Р. 98-107. Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Mytropolska N.Yu., Mykhaylova O.B., Bisko N.A., Kosakivska I.V. The occurrence of cytokinins in medicinal basidiomycetes mycelial biomass // Biotechnologia Acta. – 2016. – 9, № 1. – С. 55-63. Vedenicheva N.P., Kosakivska I.V. Endogenous cytokinins of water fern Salvinianatans (Salviniaceae). – Ukr. Botan. J. – 2016. – 72, № 3. – С. 277-282. Kosakivska I.V., Babenko L.M., Shcherbatiuk M.M, Vedenicheva N.P., Sheyko O.A., Ivanova A., Angelova L., Maslenkova L. Adaptive strategy of halophytic plants Polygonum maritimum and Euphorbia paralias // DAN of Ukraine (Reports of National Academy of Science). – 2017. – № 7. – С. 98-105. Efimova M.V., Vankova R., Kuznetsov V.V., Litvinovskaya R.P., Zlobin I.E., Dobrev P., Vedenicheva N.P., Savchuk A.L., Karnachuk R.A., Kudryakova N.V., Kuznetsov Vl.V. Effects of 24-epibrassinolide and green light on plastid gene transpiration and cytokinin content of barley leaves // Steroids. – 2017. – 120. – P. 32-40. Kosakivska I.V., Babenko L.M., Shcherbatiuk M.M, Vedenicheva N.P., Sheyko O.A., Ivanova A., Angelova L., Maslenkova L. The microstructure organization and functional peculiarities of Euphorbia paralias L. and Polygonum maritimum L. – halophytic plants from dunes of Pomorie lake (Bulgaria) // J. Stress Physiol. Biochem., 2017. – № 213, № 2. – P. 5-18. Vedenicheva N.P., Kosakivska I.V. Endogenous cytokinins dynamics during development of sporophytes of perennial ferns Dryopteris filix-mas and Polystichum aculeatum (Dryopteridaceae). Ukr. Bot. J., 2018, 75 (4): 384-391. Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Shcherbatiuk M.M., Lomberg M.M., Mytropolska N.Yu., Mykchaylova O.B., Kosakivska I.V. Comparative analysis of cytokinins in mycelial biomass of medicinal mushrooms, 2018, 20 (9): 837-847. Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Mykchaylova O.B., Lomberg M.M., Bisko N.A., Shcherbatiuk M.M., Kosakivska I.V. Endogenous cytokinins dynamics in mycelial biomass basidiomycetes at different stages of cultivation. International Journal of Biochemistry & Physiology, 2018, 3 (2): 000122. Kordyum E.L., Bluma D.A., Ivanenko G.F., Kozeko E.L., Artemenko O.A., Vedenicheva N.P. (2019). Plasticity of Morpho-Physiological and Oxidative Metabolism Patterns of Sium Species (Apiaceae) at Different Soil Moisture. J Plant Physiol Pathol 7:2.