№1 №2 №3 №4 |
Mironova N.V. Formation of the morphological structure of Gracilaria thalli at low temperatures [abs] |
3 |
Onoiko E.B. Chlorophyll d is the major photosynthetic pigment of Acaryochloris marina Miyashita et Chihara (Cyanophyta) [abs] |
15 |
Ladigina L.V. Carotenoid composition in microalgae for larvae of bivalve mollusks [abs] |
33 |
Komaristaya V.P., Antonenko S.P., Rudas A.N. Cultivation of Dunaliella salina Teod. at suboptimal concentrations and exclusion of nitrogen and phosphorus from the medium [abs] |
42 |
Pomazkina G.V., Belykh O.I., Domysheva V.M., Sakirko M.V. & Gnatovsky R.Yu. Structure and dynamics of phytoplankton of Southern Baikal (Russia) [abs] |
56 |
Terenko L.M. Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of Odessa Bay in the Black Sea (Ukraine) [abs] |
73 |
Tsarenko P.M. Recommendation on standardization of cytation of the names of autors of algal taxa [abs] |
86 |
Patova E.N., Novakovskaya I.V., Kostikov I.Yu., Gaisina L.A. II All-Russian scientific conference "Algae: Problems of taxonomy, ecology and using in monitoring" |
122 |
Kostikov I.Yu., Novakovskaya I.V., Gaisina L.A., Safiullina L.M., Temraleeva A.D., Bachura Yu.M. International mini-school of identification soil and aerophytic algae-eucariot |
128 |
To 60-years of scientific activity of academician К.М. Sytnik |
130 |
№2 (2010) |
Silkin V.A., Evstigneeva I.K., Rygalov V.E. The dynamics of growth and morpho-functional parameters of thallus in the culture of Laurencia papillosa (Forsk.) Grev. [abs] |
137 |
Bozhkov A.I., Goltvyanskij А.V., Rostama Sh. Cell aggregates forming in Dunaliella viridis Teod. culture is a primary reaction to stress induced by high copper ions concentration [abs] |
151 |
Kirpenko N.I., Kureischevich A.V. The quantity of the albuminous in the biomass of unialgal and mixed cultures of algae [abs] |
167 |
Evstigneeva I.K., Tankovskaya I.N. Macrophytobenthos and macrophytoperifiton of Reserve «Swan Islands» (Black Sea, Ukraine) [abs] |
176 |
Samylina O.S., Gerasimenko L.M. & Shadrin N.V. Comparative characteristic of the phototroph communities from the mineral lakes of Crimea (Ukraine) and Altai Region (Russia) [abs] |
192 |
Voloshko L.N., Pinevich A.V., Kopecky J., Titova N.N., Hrouzek P. & Zelik P. Water blooms and toxins produced by cyanobacteria in the lower Suzdalskoe Lake (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) [abs] |
210 |
Zolotareva E.К., Shnyukova E.I., Podorvanov V.V. Microalgae as hydrogen producers [abs] |
224 |
№3 (2010) |
Palamar-Mordvintseva G.M., Tsarenko P.M. Biogeography of algae of Ukraine, its features, problems and prospects [abs] |
253 |
Abbas A., Shameel M. Anatomical studies on a new brown alga, Nizamuddinia zanardinii (Schiff.) P. Silva [abs] |
281 |
Voytsekhovich А.А., Kashevarov G.P. Pigments content of photosynthetic apparatus of green algae – photobionts of lichens [abs] |
287 |
Nesterova D.A. Dormant stages of planktonic algae in bottom sediments of Odessa port (Black Sea, Ukraine) [abs] |
300 |
Zenova G.M., Omarova E.O., Kurapova A.I., Orleanskiy V.K., Shadrin N.V. The model associations of Cyanoprokaryota and actinomycete [abs] |
312 |
Chekryzheva T.A., Komulainen S.F. Algal flora of lakes and rivers in Republic of Karelia (Russia) [abs] |
319 |
Nikulina T.V. Biodiversity of algae of hot springs from Kuril Islands (Russia) [abs] |
334 |
Kulikovskiy M., Lange-Bertalot H., Metzeltin D. Specific rank for several infraspecific taxa in the genus Pinnularia Ehrenb. [abs] |
357 |
Sytnik K.M. Biotic diversity: investigation, conservation and enrichment [abs] |
368 |
№4 (2010) |
Davidovich N.A., Davidovich O.I. Sexual reproduction and mating system of the Tabularia tabulata (C. Agardh) Snoeijs (Bacillariophyta) [abs] |
385 |
Markina Zh.V., Aizdaicher N.A. Desalination influence on the growth and certain biochemical characteristics of the Chaetoceros socialis f. radians (F. Schutt) Proschk.-Lavr. (Bacillariophyta) [abs] |
402 |
Bozhkov A.I., Menzyanova N.G., Sedova K.V., Goltvyanskiy A.V. Effect of high temperature on sensitivity and resistance to the copper ions of Dunaliella viridis Teod. (Chlorophyta) cells [abs] |
413 |
Levenets I.R., Fadeev V.I. Macroalgae of fouling and epizoon in shallow waters of southern Primorye (Sea of Japan, Russia) [abs] |
432 |
Begun A.A., Ryabushko L.I., Zvyagintsev A.Yu. Bacillariophyta of the periphyton of experimental plates of the Gold Horn Bay of the Sea of Japan (Russia) in the conditions of the anthropogenic contamination [abs] |
449 |
Karayeva N.I., Bukhtiyarova L.N. An addition to the Bacillariophyta flora of the Caspian Sea. I. [abs] |
471 |
Zarei-Darki B. Cyanoprokaryota from different water bodies of Iran [abs] |
482 |
Kulikovskiy M.S., Genkal S.I., Mikheeva T.M. New data for the Bacillariophyta flora of Belarus. 1. Family Naviculaceae Kutz. [abs] |
492 |
Demchenko E.N. New species of genus Thorakomonas Korschikov (Phacotaceae, Chlorophyta) from temporary water body of Kiev (Ukraine) [abs] |
507 |
Dogadina T.V. To the 70th anniversary of her birthday |
517 |
Mikhailyuk T.I., Kondratyuk, Tsarenko P.M., Kostikov I.Yu. N.P. Massjuk. To the 80th anniversary of her birthday |
518 |