Nataliia F. Mykhailenko

Senior researcher of the Department of Membranology and Phytochemistry.

Date of birth: 17/11/1973.

Higher education: Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, biological department (1990–1995).

Speciality: biochemistry.

Qualification: biologist-biochemist, teacher of biology and chemistry.

Duration of professional experience: since 1995.

Candidate of Sciences (comparable to PhD) degree in biochemistry (2010). Title of the thesis: ‘Lipid composition of Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria) and fluorescence characteristics of their photosynthetic machinery under alternative conditions of carbon nutrition’.

Scientific interests: photosynthesis, bioenergetics, microalgal biotechnology, lipids, plant pigments.



Department of Membranology and Phytochemistry
M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2, Tereshchenkivska st., 01004, Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 044 234 12 59






Google Scholar

List of Main Publications

  1. Syvash O.O., Mykhaylenko N.F., Zolotareva E.K. Variation of chlorophyll a to b ratio at adaptation of plants to external factors // The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series Biology. – 2018. – Issue 3(45). – P. 49–73. [In Ukr.]
  2. Onoiko O., Mykhaylenko N., Syvash O., Dovbysh K. Xanthophyll pigment content in the plants from different levels of the deciduous forest // Ukrainian Botanical Journal. – 2018. – Vol. 75, № 1. – P. 84–93. [In Ukr.]
  3. Syvash O.O., Mykhailenko N.F., Zolotareva O.K. Chlorophyll degradation during leaf senescence // Plant Physiology: Achievements and New Trends of Progress / Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Ukrainian Society of Plant Physiologists; Morgun V.V. (Editor-in-Chief). – Kyiv: Logos, 2017. – P. 539–551. [In Ukr.]
  4. Mykhailenko N.F., Semenikhin A.V., Khomochkin A.P., Zolotareva E.K. Esterase activity of CF1 coupling factor isolated from spinach chloroplasts // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2017. – № 3. – P. 92–98. [In Ukr.]
  5. Mykhaylenko N.F., Zolotareva E.K. The effect of copper and selenium nanocarboxylates on biomass accumulation and photosynthetic energy transduction efficiency of the green algae Chlorella vulgaris // Nanoscale Research Letters. – 2017. – Vol. 12, № 1. – Article 147.
  6. Mykhailenko N.F. Polyunsaturated fatty acids of algae: properties and application prospects // Scientific Magazine of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 5. Pedagogical Sciences: Realities and Prospects. – 2016. – Issue 53. – P. 176–183. [In Ukr.]
  7. Mykhailenko N.F. Growth and photosynthetic activity of green algae Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. in the presence of selenium nanoaquachelates // Microbiology&Biotechnology. – 2016. – Vol. 34, № 2. – P. 6–15. [In Ukr.]
  8. Zolotareva O.K., Shniukova Ye. I., Syvash O.O., Mykhailenko N.F. Prospects of microalgal use in biotechnology. – Kyiv: Alterpres, 2008. – 234 p. [In Ukr.]
  9. Mykhaylenko N.F. The effect of glucose on Photosystem II activity of spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. (cyano­phyta) // Algologia. – 2006. – Vol. 16, № 1. – P. 57–71. [In Rus.]
  10. Mykhaylenko N.F. The modes of glucose action on photosynthesis of Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. (Cyanophyta) as revealed by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis // International Journal on Algae. – 2005. – Vol. 7, № 3. – P. 213–227.
  11. Mykhaylenko N.F. Glycerolipid and fatty acid composition of filamentous cyanobacteria under heterotrophic growth // Актуальні проблеми ботаніки та екології / Збірник наукових праць. Вип. 1. – Київ: Фітосоціоцентр, 2005. – С. 238–246.
  12. Mykhaylenko N.F., Syvash O.O., Tupik N.D., Zolotareva O.K. Exogenous hexoses cause quantitative changes of pigment and glycerolipid composition in filamentous cyanobacteria // Photosynthetica. – 2004. – Vol. 42, № 1. – P. 105–110.
  13. Mykhaylenko N.F., Zolotareva O.K. Cyanobacterial lipid composition with regard to the regulatory role of glucose // Advanced Research on Plant Lipids / Ed. N. Murata et al. – Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. – P. 389–392.
  14. Mikhaylenko N.F., Sytnik S.K., Zolotareva E.K. Effects of slow clinorotation on lipid contents and proton permeability of thylakoid membranes of pea chloroplasts // Advances in Space Research. – 2001. – Vol. 27, № 5. – P. 1007–1010.
  15. Syvash O.O., Los S.I., Mykhailenko N.F. Signal role of glucose in higher plants and algae // Plant Physiology in Ukraine at the Border of the Millennia: in 2 volumes / Editor-in-chief V.V. Morhun – Kyiv: Publishing house of the Ukrainian Phytosociological Centre, 2001. – Vol. 1. – P. 57–59. [In Ukr.]
  16. Syvash O.O., Mykhailenko N.F., Zolotar’ova O.K. Sugars as the key chain of photosynthetic cells metabolism regulation // Ukrainian Botanical Journal. – 2001. – Vol. 58, № 1. – P. 121–127. [In Ukr.]
  17. Sytnik S.K., Mykhailenko N.F. Microgravity effect on lipid content and proton permeability of thylakoid membrane of pea chloroplasts // Ukrainian Botanical Journal. – 2000. – Vol. 57, № 6. – P. 653–658. [In Ukr.]
  18. Adamchuk N.I., Fomishina R.N., Mikhaylenko N.F., Zolotareva E.K. Photosynthetic apparatus of pea leaves under clinorotation conditions // Journal of Gravitational Physiology. – 1999. – Vol. 6, № 1. – P. 143-144.
  19. Adamchuk N.I., Mikhaylenko N.F., Zolotareva E.K., Hilaire E., Guikema J.A. Spaceflight effects on structural and some biochemical parameters of Brassica rapa photosynthetic apparatus // Journal of Gravitational Physiology. – 1999. – Vol. 6, № 1. – P. 95–96.
  20. Mikhaylenko N.F., Skorokhod T.Ph. Membrane lipid composition of the cyanobacteria Nostoc punctiforme and Spirulina platensis under various conditions of carbon nutrition // Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects / Ed. G. Garab. – Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. – Vol. III. – P. 1831-1834.

