Polishchuk Oleksandr Vasyliovych

Education – Master of Biology. Graduated from National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

Scientific degree: PhD in Biochemistry.

Position: senior researcher.

Scientific interests: photosynthesis (light phase), biomembranology, electrochemistry, gas analysis, fluorescence research methods, bioinformatics.

Professional skills, mastery and applied techniques:

Polarography – measurement of concentrations (kinetics of release / absorption of biological objects) of molecular oxygen and hydrogen in aqueous solutions and gases;
Infrared Gas Analysis (IRGA) - Measurement of the concentration (kinetics of release / absorption of biological objects) of carbon dioxide in gases by the method of infrared gas analysis;
pH-metry - determination of proton-exchange processes in thylakoids;
Fluorimetry / fluorometry - study of the functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus by PAM chlorophyll fluorescence (a fundamentally non-invasive method), determination of the magnitude of light-induced transmembrane proton gradient using fluorescent label 9-aminoacridine, study of ATP synthesis by accumulation and increase of NAD(P)H fluorescence in two-stage enzymatic reaction;
Inhibitory analysis of electron and proton transport reactions in thylakoid membranes.

Transmission electron microscopy of plant cells (up to 2004).


Leading topic of research: Light-dependent mobile buffer of thylakoid membranes, its participation in the organization of proton-transport processes; alternative ways of electronic transport in photosystem II; induction of light-dependent molecular hydrogen evolution in microalgae cells, the role of carbonic anhydrase in light phase of photosynthesis.


Prospects for cooperation with students: laboratory work (recommended), scientific seminars, coursework and thesis (preferably after the course of laboratory work).
Requirements for student / students: Interest in mathematics, physics, chemistry, knowledge of English, desirable good computer skills.
Diploma / coursework manual: no
Field practice: no
Laboratory Workshops: Yes


Contact addresses:
01004 Kiev, vul. Tereshchenko, 2, Institute of Botany. M.G. Cold NAS of Ukraine, Department of Membranology and Phytochemistry;
tel .: +38 (044) 234 12 59;



Internet resources:





Google Scholar



Mokrosnop, V. M., A. V. Polishchuk, and E. K. Zolotareva. "Accumulation of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in Euglena gracilis cells under autotrophic and mixotrophic culture conditions." Applied biochemistry and microbiology 52.2 (2016): 216-221.

Polishchuk, O. V., et al. "The effect of acid rain on ultrastructure and functional parameters of photosynthetic apparatus in pea leaves." Cell and Tissue Biology 10.3 (2016): 250-257.

Polishchuk, A. V., and A. A. Voitsekhovich. "Photosynthetic properties of some free-living and lichenized green terrestrial algae." International Journal on Algae 16.4 (2014).

Polishchuk, O. V., N. M. Topchiy, and V. V. Podorvanov. "Activation of Alternative Electron Transfer in PS II by Inhibition of Proton Transfer at the Acceptor Side." Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and the Future. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. 202-206.

Zolotareva, E. K., et al. "The Contribution of Light-Dependent Bicarbonate Uptake in Thylakoid Membrane Energization." Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and the Future. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. 197-201.

Podorvanov, V. V., A. V. Polishchuk, and E. K. Zolotareva. "Effect of copper ions on the light-induced proton transfer in spinach chloroplasts." Biofizika 52.6 (2007): 1049-1053.

Поліщук О.В., Подорванов В.В., Золотарьова О.К. рН-залежна регуляція фотосинтетичного виділення кисню ізольованими хлоропластами шпинату // Доповіді НАН України. - 2006. - № 3. - С. 167-171.

Поліщук О.В., Подорванов В.В., Ситник С.К. Вплив іонів цинку на протонний перенос в ізольованих хлоропластах шпинату.// Допов. НАН України. – 2007. - №8. – с.174 – 178.

